Wednesday, November 28, 2007


The freedom from fear
is true freedom
to live your life
how you want
not watching your back
not holding back ideas
or hiding your thoughts
no masking your face
and walking in shadows
able to love
and care
even die
how you want to

Monday, November 19, 2007


Does no one ask why?
look for a clean truth
in the murky wash water
to search through remains
to find what killed him
was it the bullet
or the lifestyle.
Looking far ahead
the light seems so dim
but the tunnel can cave in
so wash away your sickness
and look for a cure.
I didn't find it in hiding
being afraid of toys
because they break
looking around every corner
to never take a step.
So I ran into the real world
and found all my vices
to burn out
or fade away.
Instead I took the middle paths
just because it will end
doesn't it mean it wont matter
and i can't control it
lets take a shower
to get ready for a dirty day

when did we lose control
were we wrapped in delusions?
wild dreams spun my head
whipping up fantasies
that whistled in the air
my wonders left me
and once upon a time
was here
but we were never satisfied
as our world filled with dreams
we willingly gave it all
for what more could come
with all our wishes
finally true