Sunday, July 27, 2008

Its been a while

This megaphone must be turned off
Echoing off invisible walls
building a cacophony of notes
threatening to drown even the strongest swimmer
talked about
talked on
talked over
with no doubts or cracks

the walls tremble
and a world breaks free
trees surrender, buildings sway, men sink in their seats,
a light breeze
and nothings changed

we've seen the best of our generation
posted on walls, screaming their freedoms
to be picked apart by their own eyes
we've seen the best do nothing
against incredible odds
and lose
the rumbles were so deep
the fears so real
that when it all came down
and nothing happened
they all sat stunned

a machine built so ethereal
was meant to change us
a revolution of ideas
to break the structures
thought on pavement
just chalkings of hope
and we locked the walls back up
to silent the fears no one had
we locked the walls back up
even though no one cared

You wake everymorning saying you will change the world
turn on the tv to see more bombings in israel and a 100 palestinians dead
you drink your coffee saying i'll change this nation
read the newspaper filled with scandal and entertainment
you drive onto work, saying i'll change this state
stop at the gas station to see higher prices and lower wages
you get to work saying i'll change this company
another three were fired, for spilling the red paint
you stumble to the bar saying i'll change myself
three hours later unable to walk your mind shuts off

No one cared

Sinking shots spun through the air as we ducked for safety
moving as far from the epicenter as possible
a divorce process that would take decades to complete
in the absence of everything we emptied our trash
so little was said at the time
that it wasn't for the years worth of paper work
and news paper articles no one would have known
we had left the worst for last
given the no tools to build with
and no money to buy with
some screamed racism, some screamed elitism
as theories were fought over
people died
one day nothing will be left
unless action is taken with no more thought.