Tuesday, August 7, 2007

A roll?


the world had shaken
or atleast mine
when it collapsed
land disappeared
and river reappeared
they sank in tin coffins
hope didn't fall
as people plunged
so did others
to bring help
to bring life
they forgot the risks
and though a bridge had crumpled
hope had been replenished



I walked
where it felt no one had
where trees were scary
and animals unpredictable
the sun was fierce
and the wind even worse
then i sat
and became it
because i had stopped
trying to make an order
a place for the moss
and it grew over me
and i became it
when i had to leave
it came with me
and never left


We Walked

i've given up
with no hope
the sun burned
and the shade froze
no one would stop
but you did
and i stood up with you
and we talked
you didn't worry my wounds
we talked
of life
of light
darkness even
and though nothing was changed
it was all different

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