Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Rainy Tuesday Morning


Lets abort this plan.
And forget the map.
To wander around.
No compass.
No goals.
See the concrete
As a mountains of man.
Resting on shores of the ocean.
To see life as actions.
Instead of results.


I was Young once.

When I was young.
I built.
Wooden towers.
They soared from the carpet
And would tumble down.
To see another rebuilt.
Boredom always won.
Now I look around.
And only see grown children
In concrete towers.

When I was young.
I napped.
So today I closed my eyes.
And pulled the blanket close.
To awake. 30 minutes later
and find the world again.
clean and polished
sparkling in the afternoon sun.
Tomorrow I will nap.
Like I was young.


The New Age

I plugged in.
Logged on.
Sped through the world.
To find hidden spots.
Across an ocean.
Or just a room.
Weaving round corners
To find the faces
of friends and family.
To speak with no voice
to stay here forever.

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